Aj, devla! I found lyrics!

It’s too hard to find some gypsy lyrics on the web, so what we have found, we share.
Also we try to add video or audio to each song.
Some of songs are not folksongs — if we know authors, we put their names.
If you know some other lyrics, or translations for non-translated lyrics and you can share them, please write us.
Yours truly, Raskardaš Orkestar

36 responses to “Aj, devla! I found lyrics!

  1. heidski

    Great website! You can find many more lyrics on Amalipen.com

  2. Thank you, Heidski
    Of course we know Amalipen
    Is it your site?

  3. Mihai

    Hello! How are you? i hope you’re doing fine. This is a great site! It’s very helpful to me and other people for sure!

    I’m gypsy, i’m Lovara, but there’s one problem, i do not speak rromaní (or at least not very well, i mix it with my spanish), so the work you’re doing here is just perfect! Thank you so much

    I have a question, i have a song from Ternipe (i’m sure you know them), but i don’t know the name of the song (it doesn´t say). Is there anyway that i can send you the song so you can post the lyrics or something?

    Thank you for your time

    But baxt ay sastimos!

  4. Lacho Djives, Mihai

    You can send us ternipe song (of course we know them:-) on our band mail: raskardas@gmail.com, or upload it on some filehosting and give us a link. We are not sure that we can translate, we are not great specialists in rromani, but we can try.

  5. Janine

    Hi everyone! I’m desperately looking for Romany folk songs/ poems that have to do with bare droma or longe droma in English or German. I saw that there’s a text called bare droma on this blog, does anyone happen to have a translation for it? That would be awesome.
    Thanks in advance, Janine

  6. Yas

    Sasto! Shukar djives :)
    I know another song you should post, it’s called Loli Phabay (the red apple), here’s the youtube link:

    These are the lyrics:

    Andro verdan drukos nane
    Man pirani shukar nane
    Loli phabay prechinava
    Yepash tuke yepash mange

    (it’s just the same verse over and over)


    In the wagon/caravan there is no floor/baseframe
    I am not a beutiful lover/beloved
    I cut the red apple
    Half for you, half for me

    (not sure if the 2nd line is “I am not” or “I have not”)

    Te aven baxtale!

    • Anj


      “man pirani (or piramni, correct also) sukar nane” means: I have no girl friend

      Last line: Jekh pash tuke, jekh pash mange
      (pronounce yek)

    • Ivona

      My Gipsy students told me that it’s not “yepash”, but “yeKVAsh”.

    • ninel

      The corrct translation is:
      I told my loved one
      “do not be afraid that I am Beautiful”
      You are going to be happy with me
      And you will forget all other women

      Yes, there is no floor is my caravan
      and there is no other gorgeous lady there
      but i will share My apple with you
      Half is going to be enough for both of us.

  7. andreja

    Androverdan drukos nane
    mri pirani sukar nane
    lholi phabaj precïnava – hop, hop, hop
    jepas tuke, jepas mange hop, hop, hop
    Taj la, la, laj – Taj la, la, laj – hop, hop, hop
    jepas tuke, jepas mange hop, hop, hop

  8. Chris

    Does anyone know the lyrics to the second verse? I will try to post the link, some versions have a second verse, there is one on you tube.

    • mg

      Loli Phabay (obrada)

      Andro verdan drukos nane
      Man pirani shukar nane
      Loli phabay prezhinovo, hop hop hop
      Yek pash tuke, yek pash mange, hop hop hop

      Sutra novi dan kad` svane,
      snovima se lece rane.

      Srce boli jer Te voli,
      hop, hop, hop,

      malo peva, malo gori,
      hop, hop, hop.
      Laj la, la, la . . .

      Moja dusa s Tobom luta,
      trazi cerge pokraj puta.
      Preko Tise, do Karpata,
      hop, hop, hop,

      put od blata, svet od zlata.
      Hop, hop, hop.
      Laj, la, la, la . . .

      Sudbina Ti s dlana bezi,
      tu, pred nama, srecna lezi.
      Vlazna zemlja, crna kosa,
      hop, hop, hop,

      snovima Ti setas bosa,
      hop, hop, hop.
      Laj, la, la, la . . .

      Nama samo treba rode
      malo hleba i slobode.
      Ne mozes mi nista dati,
      hop, hop, hop,

      sto u dusu moze stati,
      hop, hop, hop.
      Laj, la, la, la . . .

  9. Chris

    Does anyone know the lyrics to dostlar bizim halaya? here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR2kU8s-6qo

  10. Rady

    Thank you for this site!
    I like very much the song Loly phabay.
    I found a bit longer lyrics. Does anybody knowes what they mean?

    Loly phabay

    Andro verdan drugos nane
    man pirano šukar nane
    l’oli phabaj prečhinava hop hop hop
    jepaš tuke jepaš mange hop hop hop

    Da da da daj…

    Amen šukar čhajora sam
    Pal o čhave amen gel’am
    Šukar čhavo khel amenca hop hop hop
    Jekhvar duvar pal’is lenca hop hop hop

    Da da da daj…

    Sar tu kames romani čhaj
    Ker tu buči calo ňilaj
    Te anela o lovore hop hop hop
    Oj cinela o gadora hop hop hop

    Da da da daj…

    • Leonardo

      It’s the song about love like other gypsy songs.
      This is my translation of the song.
      I’m sorry the vers of the song in english.

      Red apple

      The shaft isn’t in the wagon.
      I have not nice boyfriend (boyfriend, lover = pirano ).
      I’m going to slice the red apple in two, hop hop hop.
      One half for you (thou), one half for me.

      Daj, daj…

      We are nice girls
      We want to be married.
      Nice boy, dance with us, hop hop hop.
      Once twice then with them ,hop hop hop.

      Daj, daj, daj….

      When you are loving gypsy girl.
      Do the feast in the course of the whole sommer.
      Let her bring to you the money (lovore = money?), hop hop hop.
      Oy, you will buy the shirts, hop hop hop.

      Daj,daj, daj….

    • Anca

      Hi, could you provide an English translation for the 2nd and 3rd stanzas? Thank you :)

  11. Great website. Thank you soooooo much! I am not Roma myself but I love the music and the people and I happen to run a restaurant with Balkan only music in Thessaloniki, Greece. Your website is an endless source of very important material for me. Thanks again!

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  13. Peter

    Who will help me find out interpreteur and english translation of the unknown gypsy song? Please, i copied this from a gypsy worker in pub, since i never saw him again -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AAKN4cmCBA thanx

  14. Koszika

    Latcho djives! Awesome website. I’ve been looking for some lyrics myself, from the hungarian Kalyi Jag band, the song’s name is Sostar mange khadala love, and since it is not an authentic traditional folk song (written by Varga Gusztav), i cant seem to find anywhere the lyrics. If someone could help me, that would be grately appreciated :D

  15. Thank you ever so for the lyrics to Loli Phabay! I first heard this song three years ago, and could not stop playing it. Again, thank you!

  16. Orhan

    I love “Loli Phapay” songs. Some years ago I listened form a roman gruop they were singing in Poina Braşov in Romania and came from Moldova. Listening this song some yeras later make me happy.

  17. Orhan

    Could somebody tell me who was the singer and compostor in it is orginal version

  18. Sahler Raphaëlle

    Hello! Thanks for your site!
    I’m looking for tabs of songs like Matyilem, Aj devla koj odi, Aj, devla!, and some others.. if anybody can tell me where i could find that it would be great!
    With love,

  19. Chandra

    Hey Guys nice job…..I am very much interested in history of Romas’ and origin of their languages……If you can provide some informative place on web which sheds some light on it…

    Cheers lads

  20. Chandra

    Roma are my Indian Brothers!!!
    This link is very informative and i ALMOST FOUND WHAT i WAS LOOKING FOR

  21. Elena

    I believe “man pirani sukar nane” means “there is no one more beautiful than me”

  22. And Loli phabai is incomplete here. There is a second verse:

    Ando vest ma syr zadzava
    Shavo res odoj litkhava
    Loli phabai me chinava
    Yekh pash tuke yekh pash mange

    It’s sonething like “I will go into the woods to find a Romani boy. I split a red apple, half for you and half for me”

    Pardon my spelling

  23. Salli

    I`m searching for the song “amari szi amari”. there are some in the WWW but i wanna have sheetmusic of this piece, starting with a “C” :-)
    do you have an idea?

  24. Dejan Jovanovic

    I am looking for lyrics for one amazing song! Please share, post or find lyrics for Saban Bajramovic – Devla Devla. I will be so happy to have it!

  25. j6555

    I’m looking lyrics of “aj devlale phen mange so te kerav” and “puter gayzhe” of Romani Rota. I would be very grateful for these. Te aven bachtale.

  26. Paola

    Ballo to everybody! Someone knows the origin of tris Song? Is it of russian gipsyes? Thanks a lot!!

  27. Paola

    Hallo to everybody! Someone knows the origin of this Song? Is it of russian gipsyes? Thanks a lot!!

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