
Dikta mamo kibori
Kibori dal kibori
Taveleske bakhtali
Devla Bakhtali

Joj, dade, so kerav, dade, so kerav
Palavla te me merav, devla me merav
Joj, dade, so kerav, dade, so kerav
Palavla te me merav, devla me merav

Dema, Mamo, but love
But love dal but love
Kenaj chavo lakeren,
Devla lakeren

Joj, dade, so kerav, dade, so kerav
Palavla te me merav, devla me merav
Joj, dade, so kerav, dade, so kerav
Palavla te me merav, devla me merav

Siman romni prashukar
Prashukar dal prashukar
Sarij lulugja daj bar
Lulugja daj bar

Joj, dade, so kerav, dade, so kerav
Palavla te me merav, devla me merav
Joj, dade, so kerav, dade, so kerav
Palavla te me merav, devla me merav

We know just approximate translation (thanks to Topor from TopOrkestra):

Look, mother, that’s your daughter-in-law
daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law
She will bring you a lot of happiness,
Oh Lord, happiness.

Ref: Oh father, what shall I do?
I am dying for her.

Give me a lot of money, mother,
A lot of money, a lot of money,
Because I am such a nice guy,
Such a nice guy.

She is such a beautiful girl,
Beautiful, oh so beautiful
Like a flower in the garden
Like a flower in the garden.


Filed under gypsy

10 responses to “Kibori

  1. Andi

    Hi Friends, great to find the lyrics of kibori! But does anybody have the translation? All the best – andy

  2. Hi,
    Thanks for posting my youtube video here! I am the choreographer of this piece. I am very intrigued with the Romani culture. I have an Egyptian Belly Dance Troupe in Canada. There are very strong links to the Romani culture and the origins of belly dance. I thought I would explore this culturally through dance. The piece is based on skirt gestures for a stage presentation. Thanks again and enjoy.
    Susu Abdo.

  3. Susu, you have done beautiful work with this song, thank you!

  4. Thank you showing everyone our work. It was our pleasure. I will stay in touch and let you know when I do another piece. Thanks

  5. ULbebe

    gadjo = non gypsy man

  6. Francezo

    Just a little adjusting in the last vers

    lulugyia= flowers
    bar= garden

    there is no such thing as gadajbar

  7. dave

    Which language is it?

  8. I assume that there’s a mistake in the translation here:
    Kenaj chavo lakeren… – Because I am such a nice guy…
    As far as I know ‘because’ is ‘ke’, so we’d say ‘ke naj’, where ‘naj’ would mean ‘not’. If it is true, the meaning would be:

    Give me a lot of money, mother,
    A lot of money, a lot of money,
    Because I’m not such a nice guy,
    Such a nice guy.

    She is such a beautiful girl…

    I think this fits more to the context, as he would like to get married with a beautiful girl but he’s not that handsome, he’s afraid of being rejected unless he offers a lot of money. If he’d be handsome, then the girl might love him without money. But why would anybody think that being handsome is reason for the mother to give him money? And why wouldn’t give him otherwise?

    I’m not at all an expert of Romani language, so if somebody could explain this sentence above word by word, that would help us realize which translation is correct.
    Nice compilation though!

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